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Sneakers Sale

Discover a wide selection of sneakers on sale at SVD. Our sneakers sale includes men and women's exclusive and limited edition models from the hottest brands. Take a look and renew your sneakers' collection with great discounts.

Get your hands on the best sneaker sale of the season at SVD

All the models that make up the SVD discounted sneaker catalog occupy a special place among sports footwear fans. On our official website you can find some of the most beloved and sought-after sneakers of all time: from running shoes like the adidas Ultraboost or Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT% 2, to retro models like the adidas Stan Smith or the Nike Air Force 1, to skateboarding shoes like the Vans Old Skool or the Nike SB Nyjah Free 2. Everything you are looking for in sneakers from adidas, Nike, Converse, Jordan, Asics, Vans, Reebok, Puma, New Balance, VEJA, Salomon and more is on sale at sivasdescalzo. We have available sizes for men, women and kids with discounts from 20% to 75%.

The more, the better: the best sneaker sale is only at SVD

SVD's online store offers a wide variety of men's and women's shoes, from top brand classics to special, limited and collaborative editions. You'll find what makes you look and feel good no matter your style. Plus, with our fast delivery service you can get your shoes delivered to your door in no time, wherever you choose.